Upon your request, RAL, NOVA and NCS colors are produced in our factory with Valresa Color System color machines.
The RAL color chart is a color reference system that consists of a series of standard color numbers and
codes used as an international color standardization system. It was developed by the German Color Association
(Reichs-Ausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung) and is widely used today. RAL color codes are used to ensure
color consistency in various industries and applications, particularly in furniture painting and varnishing.
The RAL color chart encompasses thousands of different color shades, with each color being identified by a unique RAL
code. These codes are a combination of numbers and letters. For example, RAL 9010 represents pure white, while RAL 5002
represents a shade of blue. Each RAL color number is a widely recognized and standardized color palette, commonly used
in the furniture and decoration sector.
Download PDF RAL Color Chart Here
NCS (Natural Color System) is an international color standardization system that represents colors based
on a range of characteristics. NCS defines and classifies colors based on attributes such as hue, saturation, and brightness.
It is used to describe colors in a more objective manner and facilitate color communication.
The NCS color chart represents colors using a numerical coding system. This coding system expresses colors through a
combination of numbers and letters. For example, the code S 2060-Y10R represents a yellowish tone, while S 3050-B90G
represents a greenish-blue. The NCS color chart is used to simplify color selection and coordination in fields such as
furniture and interior design.
Download NCS RAL Color Chart Here
The Nova color chart is a color reference system specifically developed for the furniture industry.
Nova provides a range of standard color codes that encompass various color tones. These color codes serve as a guide for
furniture manufacturers and designers in color selection.
The Nova color chart is an invaluable resource in the furniture sector, enabling users to easily identify and communicate
specific color choices. By utilizing the Nova color chart, manufacturers and designers can ensure consistent and accurate
color representation in their furniture products.
Download NOVA RAL Color Chart Here
Note: Screen colours may differ slightly from the colours of the final product.